
Perunasalaattiresepti vapuksi! Nauti Lepolan kuivan Realin kanssa.

Tässä resepti:


2 annosta

  • 6 uutta perunaa
  • 1 omena
  • 1 iso suolakurkku
  • Nippu kevät- tai ruohosipulia


  • 2rkl dijon sinappi
  • 3rkl valkoviinietikka
  • 0,5dl oliiviöljy
  • 2rkl kaprsimarjoja
  • ripaus suolaa, mustapippuria ja sokeria

1.  Keitä perunat kypsäksi ja anna jäähtyä.

2. Pilko perunat, suolakurkut ja kevätsipuli.

3. Sekoita kastike ja lisää se pilkottujen ainesten joukkoon kapristen kera.

4. Anna tekeytyä hetki jääkaapissa.

Nauti hyvän seuran ja Lepola Realin kanssa!

Cheers, Emmi & Aaron

Yrttinen kvinoasalaatti ja savukala

Yrttinen kvinoasalaatti pääsiäiseen! Nauti Lepolan puolikuivan Perryn kanssa.


Tässä resepti:

Yrttinen kvinoasalaatti ja savukala kahdelle:

2 annosta

  • 200g savukalaa
  • 2 dl kvinoaa
  • 1 rasia kirsikkatomaatteja
  • 1 paprika
  • 1/2 kurkku
  • 1 chili
  • 1 nippu tuoretta minttua
  • 1 nippu tuoretta korianteria
  • loraus oliiviöljyä
  • 1 sitruunan mehu
  • 1 rkl hunajaa
  • suolaa ja mustapippuria
  • 2 tl seesaminsiemeniä

1. Keitä kvinoaa kevyesti suolatussa vedessä 6–8 minuuttia. Huuhtele ja valuta.

2. Kuutioi tomaatit, paprikat ja kurkku sekä hienonna chili, minttu ja korianteri.

3. Sekoita ainekset kulhossa kvinoan joukkoon ja lisää sitruunan mehu, hunaja sekä mausteet.

4. Nosta kvinoasalaatti lautasille ja paloittele päälle savukala. Koristele tuoreella korianterilla ja seesaminsiemenillä.

Nauti Lepola Perryn kanssa!

Cheers, Emmi & Aaron

Lepola Hot Mead Toddy

Warming drink recipe for Christmas time! 

Lepola Hot Mead Toddy

Ingredients 1 serving

  • 2cl Rye Whiskey
  • 6cl Lepola Apple & Honey Cyser (Mead)
  • 2cl lemon juice
  • 1 tsp honey
  • hot water
  • fresh ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 slice of lemon

Pour the whiskey into a thick glass or a mug. Clear glass presents the drink nicely.

Heat the water so it's steaming, but not boiling. Stir the honey into the glass. Then pour the hot water into the mug over the spoon.

Pour the mead into the glass.

Continue to stir and grate some fresh ginger into the glass.

Squeeze lemon juice in.

Add a cinnamon stick to the glass and allow it to steep for a couple minutes. Garnish with a lemon slice.

Enjoy the soothing flavours and properties!


Syksyinen risottoresepti viikonloppuun! Nauti Lepolan kuivan Pét Nat siiderin kanssa.

Raikkaan omenainen ja hapokas siideri sopii tasapainottamaan suppilovahveroiden maanläheisiä makuja ja juustoista risottoa.

Tässä resepti:


4 annosta

  • 200g sieniä
  • 3 dl risottoriisiä
  • 2 dl Lepola Pét Nat Style Dry cider
  • 1 salottisipuli
  • 8 dl vettä
  • 1 liemikuutio
  • 2 rkl voita
  • 2 dl parmesaania raastettuna
  • mustapippuria
  • suolaa

1. Puhdista ja paloittele suppilovahverot. Hienonna sipuli. Kuumenna vesi ja liuota joukkoon liemikuutio.

2. Sulata voi pinnoitetussa kattilassa. Kuullota risottoriisi ja lisää sipuli, sienet ja siideri.

3. Kaada pannuun kuumaa lientä vähitellen. Keitä 20–25 minuuttia sekoittaen, jotta neste imeytyy riisiin.

4. Mausta risotto parmesaaniraastella.

5. Ripottele pinnalle suolaa, pippuria ja parmesaanijuustoraastetta.

Tarjoile vaalean leivän ja Lepola Pét Nat Style Dry siiderin kanssa kanssa. Nauti!


Cheers, Emmi & Aaron

Lepola Mezcal

Cocktail recipe for autumn!


Lepola Mezcal

1 serving

  • Mezcal 4cl
  • Lime juice 2cl
  • Sugar syrup 2cl (50% sugar, 50% water)
  • Lepola Medium Dry Apple cider
  • Fresh rosemary sprig
  • Ice to shake and serve
  • Few pinches of sea salt
  • Apple slice for garnish

Pour mezcal, lime juice, sugar syrup, and a few pinches of sea salt into cocktail shaker. Stir to incorporate ingredients.

Pinch off a few rosemary leaves and muddle into liquid for just a few seconds, crushing against base of cocktail shaker to release flavour.

Add ice, cap cocktail shaker, and shake.

Pour through strainer into glass with ice and top up with Lepola Medium Dry Apple cider.

Garnish with rosemary sprig and apple slices. Enjoy!


Syksyn makuja lautasella! Nauti riistaburger Lepolan kuivan Pet-nat Lingonberry Natural Ciderin tai alkoholittoman Puolukka-mansikkalimonadin kanssa.

Juustoinen riistaburger ja puolukkasiiderin hapokkuus ovat ihanan syksyinen makupari. Raikkaan puolukkainen kuiva siideri sopii tasapainottamaan burgerin riistaisia makuja ja juuston täyteläisyyttä.

Kokoa riistaburger näin:


  • Hyvä burgerisämpylä
  • Puolukkamajoneesia (sekoita Hellmann’s majoneesiin Meritalon puolukkahilloa!)
  • Jauhettua peuran- tai hirvenlihaa
  • Västerbotten-juustoa raastettuna
  • Raikasta salaattia
  • Ranskankermaa maustettuna suolalla ja pippurilla

Muotoile jauhetusta riistalihasta pihvit ja paista kuumalla pannulla välillä käännellen.

Kokoa burger levittämällä pohjasämpylään puolukkamajoneesia, lisää kuuma riistapihvi ja ripottele sen päälle raastettua Västerbotten-juustoa. Lisää muutama lehti raikasta salaattia ja lusikoi päälle vielä lopuksi maustettua ranskankerma.

Nauti burgeri Lepola Pét-Nat Lingonberry Natural Ciderin kanssa!

Nautinnollisia hetkiä!

Cheers, Emmi & Aaron

Lepola Pét Nat Style Natural Ciders

Pet-Nat style Natural ciders

Our Pet-nat style natural ciders are made using local fruit and leaving the juice to ferment naturally, relying purely on native wild yeasts found on the apples themselves. No temperature control or any added sugar, water, yeast, sulphites, etc. Then we just wait for the right moment to bottle the cider. Both of Lepola Pet-Nat Style ciders "Dry" and "Lingonberry" are certified Finnish Real ciders (

Lepola Pét Nat Style Natural Ciders
Unfiltered and unfined, they contain a small amount of natural sediment.


What is Pet-Nat cider?

“Petillant Naturel cider, or pet-nat for short, means naturally sparkling. Pet-nat is one of the oldest styles of naturally sparkling wine.  It is a very simple cider in which the primary fermentation occurs in the bottle trapping the CO2 and yeast in the bottle."


What is Natural cider?

“Natural cider is like natural wine but made with apples. Meaning the product is made using only natural processes. Nothing added or taken away from the product. Meaning also that the cider maker steps back a bit and lets nature do its thing.”

Pet-Nat style Dry Natural cider 5,2%. Much like a wine every year the ciders will differ slightly due to environmental conditions. A warm summer with little rain will produce a sweeter juice.
Where did you get the idea for this style ciders?

“It is the oldest style of making cider. This style is one of the simplest ways to make cider, it just involves bottling the cider before fermentation has completed. But, it is also challenging to get right with the spontaneous fermentation, and the carbonation levels not too high or not too low.“


What was the most important step in making these ciders?

“First to mention is the high-quality fruit, this is where it all starts. Second important phase is to make sure the temperature of cider is in the goldilocks zone for fermentation – not too hot, not too cold. The timing of the bottling has to be right to have enough residual sugar for the carbonation.”

Pet-Nat style Lingonberry Natural cider 4,7%. Lingonberry Natural cider is made with 95% Finnish apple juice from mostly summer apples, and 5% wild Finnish lingonberries. We used the summer apple varieties to keep the alcohol content lower, and the cider to be light and refreshing.
Will you continue making this style cider?

“Yes – hopefully. Every vintage of this style cider will taste different. It also makes the making, and the evaluation along the way interesting.”


Which food would you pair this cider with?

“We made these ciders to be shared with friends and family with any meal you prefer to drink them with. Tested to pair well with mushroom risotto and game mince burgers!”


Cheers, Emmi & Aaron

The story of Snake Bite

Snake Bite is cider+beer hybrid sometimes flavoured with blackcurrant cordial. Originated in the UK. In Lepola version of Snake Bite we have used Finnish apples to make the cider, Ale style beer with Galaxy hops, and flavoured with Finnish blackcurrant juice.

Snake Bite 5,0% vol.


Where did you get the idea for Snake Bite?

“In my early twenties I lived in London for a year. In the UK Snakebite is quite common pub drink for guys and girls that is made to order. I have never been a big beer drinker and often the draft ciders where a bit too sweet. Snake bite was a great option for a drink, not too sweet, not too dry.“


Why blackcurrant juice?

“Finnish blackcurrant juice gives a nice acidity and freshness to the product, and also great colour! To the mixed beer and cider, the blackcurrant juice is often added in two dashes and this resembles the puncture wounds of the snake bite. "


How long was the making process?

“We started making the product from the cider. Cider was made the usual Lepola style – from fresh pressed apple juice in the autumn, and matured for five months over winter. Beer making took around three weeks. We got some tips and advice for the beer process from the local Kyläpanimo brewmaster.”


Did something unexpected happen while making this product?

“I didn’t know how vigorously beer can ferment and that created a little mess in our factory!“


Why Galaxy hops?

“Galaxy is our favorite hops and of course the best hops comes from Australia! Galaxy gives tropical and fruity flavors. ”


What apple varieties were used in the cider of this product?

“Lobo, Raika, Discovery and Rubinola. ”

Which food would you pair this drink with?

“Tested to go really well with pizza and BBQ! ”


Cheers, Aaron

Apple varietes in Lepola ciders

Mostly we use mixture of many apple varieties available in the local orchards.


What is an ideal cider apple like?

Any apple can be cider apple that ends up in a bottle of cider. The ones that make balanced and tasty cider are seen, in the traditional cider countries like Britain, to be the combination of apples that have high levels of acid, tannin, or sugar, and the astringency and bitterness to make more body and balanced structure to the cider. Basically, the apples can be categorized in to four groups: bittersweet, bittersharp, sharp, and sweet. The cider is most balanced if it has more than one variety of apple to bring all the characteristics to the cider.


The characteristics of Finnish apples

The story with Finnish apples is quite different. All commercially grown Finnish apples are culinary apples. Of above-mentioned characteristics we have one: sharp (acidic). Sometimes also sweet but not that level of sweetness the traditional cider apples have. This is a challenge we at Lepola have accepted and try to work with Finnish apples as well as we can.

The apple varieties we use

It has been always clear to us that we want to use Finnish apples in our products. The main varieties we use are Lobo, Raika, Rubinola, Amorosa, Jaspi,  and Kaneli for example. Jaspi and Kaneli are early Autumn apples, and the others winter varieties. We also use many more but these six are the biggest in quantities.



Aromatic and acidic apple is one of our favourites to eat! Lobo also makes quite good cider apple as it has moderate acidity and good sweetness too. Many of our products have at least some Lobo in them, as it is the most available from the farmers near us.


Rajka & Rubinola

Rubinola and Rajka are both juicy, sweet, aromatic, and acidic. Rubinola also stores really well in cool temperatures. We like to use these two apple varieties because they have higher sugar content and also clears beautifully over the maturation period. The apple juice of both Rajka and Rubinola is amazing bright yellow!



Is red and big apple. Very aromatic, a little spicy, and nicely acidic. We use Amorosa in most of our ciders, as it is well available and makes crisp and fresh cider. This variety is mostly used in our softdrinks too!


Jaspi & Kaneli

Some of the first apples we press every year. Jaspi is moderately acidic and not very sweet apple. Green colour with red cheeks. Not our favourite to use for cider but works alright blending with other apples. Kaneli (cinnamon apple) is very aromatic, not very acidic apple. We use this mostly in our Heritage cider.


Real cider apples or not, we are happy the choice we have made to use Finnish local apples! You can read more about Real Finnish cider here: 



Emmi & Aaron

Lepola Bourbon

Drinkkirespeti kevättalveen!

Omena, inkivääri ja lime - perfect combination. Tässä resepti:

Lepola Bourbon

1 annos

Lisää jäät, bourbon, limemehu ja ginger beer shakeriin ja ravista vimmatusti.

Siivilöi juoma old fashioned -lasiin.

Pidennä Lepola Medium Dry -omeansiiderillä.

Koristele omenaviipaleella, tuoreella timjamilla ja kanelitangolla. Nauti!


Nautinnollisia hetkiä!

Cheers, Emmi & Aaron