People behind Lepola

It’s always the people that make the company and the products. Lepola is not any different from the others in this case. Our team Emmi and Aaron, are an enthusiastic couple, who love food, good quality drinks, and have a very high appreciation for nature.    

Aaron is our cider guy who is responsible for making the products. This hard working Aussie has passion for the things he gets involved in. In cider making this means craftsmanship, treating the raw material with respect and, bringing the best characters into the final products. Whenever Aaron gets some free time he will jump on his mountain bike and explore the tracks of the neighbouring Teijo national park.

Funny Aaron fact – he hates to bite an apple and can’t really eat an apple as an apple, maybe this is one of the reasons he has ended up crafting the apples into cider.

The other half of Lepola is Emmi aka Mrs. Lepola, who is responsible for the sales and marketing side of the products. Or as Aaron says to Emmi: “If I’m the head of crafting our ciders, you are the neck controlling where the head goes.”. Emmi loves the union of good food and drink, and has a background from both worlds. Pairing the carefully made ciders with the right foods is one of her interests. Doing this the product can be taken into a new level and enjoyed with the appreciation it deserves. Emmi has had love for horses for her whole life and is always up for a ride in the forest or a cuddle time with furry friends.

Emmi’s cider tip: medium dry apple cider is a perfect companion with soft and creamy cheese. Choose camembert, goat cheese, or brie to go with your cider. Pork and apple cider are also classic couple that go hand in hand. Try to match cider this coming Christmas with the ham. 

Our values brought into Lepola products

Aaron and Emmi share common values in life, these are sustainability, respect for nature and others, and support for the local community. These values reflect in everything we do, and we want these values also to be connected to Lepola and our products.